Microsoft Surface RT Jailbreak in 2023

Ihavetrytojailbreakthistabletbutunfortunatelyitisdoesn'twork.Somyquestionis,doeswhatamIdoingisillegal?,JailbreakingyourWindowsRTdevicewon'tallowyoutorunanyWindowsdesktopprogram.Thisremovestheprotectionagainstrunninganydesktop ...,Theoriginal,Wind...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Use Jailbreak in Windows RT 8.1

I have try to jailbreak this tablet but unfortunately it is doesn't work. So my question is, does what am I doing is illegal ?

Windows RT 8.1 Jailbreak,cannot instal APP from windows market

Jailbreaking your Windows RT device won't allow you to run any Windows desktop program. This removes the protection against running any desktop ...


The original, Windows RT 8.0 only, jailbreak exists thanks to clrokr and netham45 from XDA. You can find this jailbreak in the repo, or you can get it from XDA ...

Jailbreak Exploits

Discusses Microsoft's strict lock-down on running Win32 applications.

Tegra Jailbreak USB

An all-in-on package for Tegra based Windows RT tablets (ASUS VivoTab RT, Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 11, Microsoft Surface RT & Microsoft Surface 2) Extract · Disabling Secure Boot · Windows Configuration · Jailbreak Killing Updates

Guide to Jailbreak the Surface RT 1 and 2.

I made this guide with my experience on jailbreaking the surface rt, 1 and 2 (i have a lot of them, lol) and i hope this helps someone jailbreaking theirs.

Jailbreaking surface RT

The Surface RT bootloader cannot be unlocked so you are stuck with WoA builds only.

Jailbreak Microsoft Surface RT en 2024

Liberamos Surface para intentar darle una nueva vida instalándole Linux, pero eso lo veremos en próximo vídeo!

Windows RT Development and Hacking

Technical discussion of Windows RT development and hacking.

Windows RT 8.1 - Jailbreak Sign Tool

This tool will sign every exe and dll files in all sub folders if you select Sign folder! Best of all: It also runs on Windows RT directly :) Have fun!


Ihavetrytojailbreakthistabletbutunfortunatelyitisdoesn'twork.Somyquestionis,doeswhatamIdoingisillegal?,JailbreakingyourWindowsRTdevicewon'tallowyoutorunanyWindowsdesktopprogram.Thisremovestheprotectionagainstrunninganydesktop ...,Theoriginal,WindowsRT8.0only,jailbreakexiststhankstoclrokrandnetham45fromXDA.Youcanfindthisjailbreakintherepo,oryoucangetitfromXDA ...,DiscussesMicrosoft'sstrictlock-...